Electricity Market tutorial

In addition to the iOS/macOS app described below, there is now a browser-based version

An example model looks like this, a link to the app is available here


Build and solve a nodal electricity market on your iPhone, iPad or Mac


The tutorial explains nodal electricity markets and the simplex algorithm  via electricity market models built and solved on your iPad, iPhone and now also Mac using the Simplex Nodal app

Download on the app store

About Simplex Nodal

Demonstrate and explain the following: Locational Marginal Pricing, the simplex algorithm, line losses, risk and reserves, ramp-rates, the spring-washer effect, binding lines, congestion charges, transmission rentals, interconnected islands, HVDC risk, HVDC reserve sharing

Mac screenshot

iPhone screenshot

iPhone screenshot

iPhone screenshot

iPhone screenshot

Out and About

The Harvard Electricity Policy Group has a link to Simplex Nodal in the Research Library (search for SimplexNodal)

Simplex Nodal tutorial app now over 1000 downloads
Over 1000 downloads

Simplex Nodal tutorial app used to present two days of advanced training to the operators of the Singapore wholesale electricity market at the Energy Market Company

iPhone screenshot

iPhone screenshot

iPhone screenshot

Export tableaux as CSV to explain the simplex algorithm:
Tableaux example

Includes sample model of actual network. iPad view of sample model:
Hawkes Bay model on iPad

iPad and iPhone functionality is the same, except that on an iPad you can view/edit a large model such as the one shown above without the need to zoom and scroll
iPhone screenshot

iPhone screenshot

Result of offline GAMS solve using Reserve and Ramp example (see above) exported as GAMS model
GAMS result

